Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Stating the Obvious...

CCH issued a whitepaper entitled Recruiting and Keeping Up-and-Coming CPAS at Your Firm. It's based on information gleaned from surveys, benefits, examination, tools, and technology review, and culture studies.

Based on the answers and information provided from the 150 CPAs with 4 to 7 years' experience, CCH concludes that the average CPA firm is failing. Fewer than half of the firms received a "very good" designation.

According to the study, young CPAs want the tools necessary to complete the job; performanced recognition and rewards; to be challenged; and to have a fair work/life balance.

So, does this sound like you? Do you feel your firm is failing you? That they are not providing you with what you need to have a healthy, balanced life and career? If not, email info@stewartmcgovern.com for assistance.

Mary Stewart McGovern
Stewart McGovern Enterprises

Recruiters specializing in the placement of Accounting and Finance professionals in and around Cleveland, Ohio

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Great article by Michelle Melendez/Newshouse News Service re: Job Seekers

I came across a great article for those who have recently graduated and are starting their first serious job-hunt; however, I think everyone in the job market could use some of the tips.

The subject is primarily reminding grads that "revealing pictures and intimate entries on social networking Web sites" could affect you when you start looking for jobs. Everyone I know (myself included) has posted something here on MySpace that could be construed as a "negative" mark with future employers.

As a recruiter, I know I regularly check out potential candidates (that is, ones who my clients have expressed a definite interest in offering a position) online. Sometimes I Google them, sometimes I check MySpace, depends on the job and the candidate. And it turns out, I'm not alone. According to a study by Indiana's Purdue University conducted last year, 12% of the 64 companies in the study said they used networking sites (i.e. MySpace, Facebook, LinkedIn) to screen candidates. And a staggering 78% of these companies said what they found online affected their decision to either offer or decline to offer a position.

Another study by National Association of Colleges and Employers found 11.1% of the 257 employers surveyed planned to check out the online profiles of candidates that graduated in 2007.

So, you may be wondering what to do. If you are planning on starting a job search (both new graduates and experienced seekers), remove the drunken party pics, eliminate drug references, and generally clean up your online persona. Find ways to tailor it, to showcase your professional image. If you have pictures taken of you receiving awards or other positive images, add them. If you have held positions of responsibility, include them in your background/biographical information.

It may seem like common sense but a lot of us forget that your online persona is another reflection of you as a person. And, while beer pong might have been a fun way to spend nights, the pictures can reflect negatively on you. I suggest people who are serious about looking for a new position think about everything they post on MySpace, Facebook, etc., and ask "Would I volunteer this information about me on a job interview?" If the answer is "NO", then remove it. After you obtain that ideal position, you can slowly add these tidbits back to your site.

For anyone interested in reading the full article, you can access it at:


Mary Stewart McGovern


Stewart McGovern Enterprises

Recruiters specializing in the placement of Accounting and Finance professionals in and around Cleveland, Ohio


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50 Hottest Cities for Entrepreneurs

In 2006, Entrepreneur magazine listed Cleveland as one of the "50 Hottest Cities for Entrepreneurs", rating us higher than San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, and New York City.


Mary Stewart McGovern
Stewart McGovern Enterprises
Recruiters specializing in the placement of Accounting and Finance professionals in and around Cleveland, Ohio

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Did You Know???

According to Monster.com's Local Employment Index, America's hottest job markets (in terms of year-over-year growth in online job demand) are:

1. Houston, TX
2. Dallas, TX
3. Atlanta, GA
4. Cleveland, OH
5. St. Louis, MO


Mary Stewart McGovern
Stewart McGovern Enterprises
Recruiters specializing in the placement of Accounting and Finance professionals in and around Cleveland, Ohio

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Accountants' Hourly Rates Increased - Does Your Salary Reflect It?

According to Intuit's 2007 ProConnection Rates survey, the hourly ratges charged for accountants are on the rise.

Intuit asked 1,100 CPA's and the average rate increases ranged from $1 to $10 per hour, based on services performed. Non-software business consulting came in at the highest hourly rate of $95/hr., an increase of 12 percent. Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisors' bill at $60/hr. for bookkeeping. Bookkeepers who aren't CPAs and are not certified average $48/hr. for their services.

So... does your current salary reflect these general accounting rate increases? We'd like to know. Either post your comments, or email us directly at info@stewartmcgovern.com.


Mary Stewart McGovern
Stewart McGovern Enterprises
Recruiters specializing in the placement of Accounting and Finance professionals in and around Cleveland, Ohio

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